
Yoga for Better Sex

Among all its other benefits, one of yoga’s greatest benefits is its ability to improve one’s
sex life. Aruna Rathod gets you a list of expert-backed yoga poses to increase your libido,
sexual energy, and vitality.

That yoga helps in improving blood circulation, increasing concentration and toning up, is a fact we all know. But in case you didn’t know, yoga can gift you a better sex life too. This, because, there are many yoga poses that increase circulation to our pelvic region. Asanas work on the premise that these poses will ensure blood circulation to these areas, thus improving sex life.“Besides being active, the core muscles have to be strengthened to improve sex–these include the abdominal muscles and the pelvic floor (portion between the anus and vagina),” explains yoga practitioner Sabir Shaikh. With regular practice, certain poses improves one’s flexibility, heightens awareness and self-confidence which makes you more comfortable and relaxed in a sexual relationship. “However, it is important to practices these asanas under the guidance of a qualified yoga teacher.”
Since energy is a much-required ingredient for any kind of active lifestyle, it is best to practice Surya Namaskar since it generates an abundance of energy. “In Surya Namaskar, the plank pose (fifth step) is one of the most beneficial for improving one’s sex life. Whichever asana helps to strengthen one’s core muscles (which includes the muscles around your trunk and pelvis) also helps you in the act.”
Besides making one energetic, Surya Namaskar also purifies the blood and improves blood circulation throughout the body and ensures proper functioning of the stomach, bowel, and nerve centres.
Most women prefer yoga as the movements are slow, yet beneficial. “Physical activity of any kind is most important for sexual functioning as physical arousal depends greatly on good blood flow, aerobic exercise (which strengthens your heart and blood vessels),” adds Shaikh.

Here are seven asanas that are bound to significantly improve your sex life:

Plank Pose
This asana is done in the prone position (stomach on floor/mat). Raise your body, hands and knees, with your wrists directly under your shoulders, drawing your abdominal muscles towards your spine. Tuck your toes and step back with your feet, bringing your body and head into one straight line.
Keep your thighs lifted and take care not to let your hips sink too low. If your butt sticks up in the air, realign your body so your shoulders are directly above your wrists.
Draw your pelvic floor muscles toward your spine as you contract your abdominal muscles. Keep your head in line with your spine.
If your arms or abdominals are not yet strong enough to support your full body weight, you can lower your knees to the floor (this is called Half Plank Pose). Be sure to keep your head and spine in a straight line.
Benefit: Strengthens the back muscles and tones the abdominal muscles

Bridge Pose (SetuBandhasana)
Lie on back, bend knees, and place feet hip width apart. Slowly life mid-back and lower back up. Your hips should be pointed upwards, while shoulders will be on the floor. Hold for 5-6 breaths, with eyes closed.
Benefits: Bridge Pose not only provides an intense hip flexor stretch, it also tones the vagina and
improves orgasms.

Wide-Legged Straddle Pose (UpavisthaKonasana)
Sit upright on the yoga mat, spread legs wide apart as much as is comfortable for you. Press back of the legs into the floor, pointing knees and toes towards the sky. Lean forward from hips, reaching out with both hands to take hold of both toes respectively.
Hold for 5-6 breaths. Try and extend chest further down with each breath.
Benefits: This asana improves blood flow to the pelvic area increasing energy and vitality.

Dronasana – bowl pose
The final posture of this asana resembles a bowl. Hence the name Dronasana. This asana is an excellent asana to tone the abdominal muscles.
Lie on the floor in the prone position (on your back). Take your hands one by one, straight in front of your head and slowly lift your hands and legs simultaneously.
Maintain this position for 4-5 breaths, with eyes closed. To release, bring down legs and hands
and relax.
Benefits: Strengthens the abs and core muscles

Mudras (an important component during asanas)
“While doing some of the asanas, the ashwa mudra
(contraction and relaxation of gentials) and ashwini mudra (contraction and relaxation of anal muscles) which are equivalent to Kegel exercises are extremely helpful in toning internal muscles,” says Shaikh. These mudras involve contracting and releasing the muscles of your pubic area as if you want to stop the flow of urine. You can do this 10 times, holding to
a count of five each time.

Butterfly pose (Bhadrasana)
Bring the soles of the feet together, bending the knees and allowing them to drop towards the floor.
Hold onto toes with both hands. Inhale, and lengthen your torso. Exhale, and hinge forward from the hips. The aim is to lower your head towards your toes. This asana can be done in the supine position too. Fold both the knees, and gently drop them down on each side. Take your hands up and join in the Namaskar position, close your eyes and maintain this pose for 5-6 breaths.
Benefits: This pose and the wide-legged straddle are great for tackling low libido. It stretches the inner thighs, and opens the hips for a wider range of motion. It improves blood flow to the pelvic area immediately, and where blood goes so does energy and vitality. Circulation and increased blood flow are directly linked to level of arousal.
Besides asanas, all meditative postures such as Vajrasana and Bhadrasana (sitting pose) are beneficial to strengthen the pelvic floor, adds Shaikh. Other helpful asanas include padmasana (lotus pose); swastikasana (pose) and siddhasana (pose). The lotus pose promotes flexibility of the hip and thigh muscles, which are central to most sexual positions. Meditation helps one to concentrate better, relaxes and rejuvenates us too. One learns to live in the moment and this is beneficial for improving one’s sex life. Allowing oneself to feel the pleasure is very important and meditation helps us to live in the moment.

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