
The Carnal Pursuit Of Happiness

From slashing stress levels to lowering risk of cancer and heart attacks, you already know the benefits of sex are many. Now, what if we tell you that a healthy sex life is also connected to feeling happy? Yes, you read that right! Read on…

What is it that you really want? More money, a healthy relationship or a disease-free life? Underlying any of these and your other wishes is always the desire to want happiness. Of course, you will be happy if you get a raise or an unexpected windfall or have a loving and caring partner or are fit 365 days of the year. But, have you thought of adding one more element to this list? What if we told you a more active and better sex life could lead to a happier life?

Learn to love

Dr Deepak Arora, USA Certified Sexologist, says, “A good sexual relationship is the most important aspect of a marital relationship. And when your marital relationship is good, you are bound to be happy more often than not.” However, Dr Rajan Bhonsle, M.D. Hon. Professor & HOD, Department of Sexual Medicine, KEM Hospital & G.S. Medical College, Mumbai, points out that sex must always be seen as a contributing factor rather than the sole factor that lets you experience an abundance of happiness. “Yes, sex always adds to the couple's happiness when they are together. However, if the relationship on the whole is bad, then even a good sex life cannot do anything to bring those genuine smiles back,” he says, adding, “Happiness has to come from a whole lot of things combined, and when there is love and respect present between a couple, a good sex life can add to their happiness by leaps and bounds, but it can never be the other way around.”

Emotional happiness

You cannot dismiss the radiant glow that shines off you when you know you have no complaints from your sex life. You are always smiling and the comfort level between you and your partner is such that there is no hesitation to hold hands or put an arm around the other even in public places. On the other hand, a not-so-good sex life means you are kept away from this emotional happiness and are always in a state of insecurity, fear and jealousy.

Physical happiness

It is said that 30-minutes of good sex can help burn 85 calories! Now that is a reason enough to believe that a good sex life will mean that you feel physically fit and refreshed day in and day out. Also, as Dr Arora points out, a good and healthy sex life will mean that your stress levels will come down naturally. Coupled with the release of the feel-good hormones—endorphins, during this act, your general immunity will at its peak, your depression will begin disappearing and you will find yourself more and more relaxed as days go by. .

It is all connected

Dr Bhonsle puts forth a very pertinent point that helps one see sex in a whole new light. “Spiritual happiness is not separate from the happiness you feel in your day-to-day life, and the same goes with your sexual life. If a couple is able to feel gratitude towards the act and the expression of love they share, the joy they experience spiritually and sexually is on a whole new plane altogether.”
“Success in one’s career satisfies a different part of the brain altogether, and thus, no link can be drawn as such.” However, we also have the viewpoint coming in from Dr Arora who believes that when a married couple indulges in sex more often than not, financial troubles are likely to affect them lesser thsn the times when they live a sex-starved life. There may be no consensus on this one, but it is definitely a point to ponder on.

Go for monogamy

A sure-shot way for a better sex life to help you stay happy and smiling always is when you remain in a monogamous relationship. This conclusion has been drawn from the above research that suggests that promiscuity is not associated with increased happiness and, as a matter of fact, the number of sexual partners needed to maximise happiness is one. This does not, of course, indicate that no promiscuity is in itself a reason to be unhappy or happy, but when it comes to deriving maximum happiness from sex, it is those who are a one-woman man or a one-man woman are able to gain the most out of it. Dr Arora says, “When a person indulges in sex with multiple partners, there is always the fear of being caught; they are always in a hurry, and this only leads to more stress and tension than happiness.” Thus. it makes sense to wave the monogamy flag, as the research proves that people who cheat in marriage are indeed, less happy.

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