

Expensive products loaded with toxic chemicals-some of which you may not have even heard of-might sometimes do more harm to your skin than good. These toxic ingredients are often hidden behind the facade of products and brands that claim to be all natural. But if you truly want to go the natural way, why spend an extravagant sum on it? Neeharika Nene lists ten of the easiest, most efficient, and unconditionally natural skincare ingredients you NEED to add to your regime.


Coconut oil is another classic that you can never go wrong with. It is mostly known to be beneficial for your hair, but it also happens to be an essential ingredient to add to your skincare routine. Coconut oil works as a cleanser by breaking up the dirt on your face. It is also effective as a natural makeup remover that does not cause any unnecessary damage to your face. You can even use coconut oil to make your own, all-natural homemade lip gloss to keep your lips moisturised, hydrated, and beautiful all at the same time.


Nowadays, many skincare products that you might stumble upon while shopping claim to have rose water in them among others. However, any ingredient is always best used in its natural form, and the same goes for this one. Adding rose water to your beauty regime will never go to waste - one, because it is an extremely versatile ingredient, and two, because it can be used on any skin type! It has anti-ageing, anti-inflammatory, and antibacterial properties to name a few. It also helps balance the pH level of your skin.


Turmeric had claimed its place in the earliest of skincare guides, not just in India, but all around the world. It is already known to possess almost magical healing properties, but many people are not aware of its benefits with regards to skincare. Turmeric gives your skin the natural, healthy glow that it needs without the use of harmful chemicals or expensive products. It serves as an ideal alternative, considering the fact that it is one of the most readily available kitchen ingredients. Try this at home in the form of a face mask, mixed with honey and Greek yoghurt.


Avocados happen to be an excellent source of vitamins, minerals, and anti-ageing antioxidants. Even just consuming them regularly can help your skin become healthier. But there is also an array of different skincare products that you can make at home, using avocados. Avocado face masks have become increasingly popular today. You can even mix it in with some coconut oil and make an effective moisturiser. Avocado facial scrubs are great cleansers for your skin. All in all, this ingredient is versatile and effective in various different forms.


Another age-old ingredient, tea tree oil has been recommended by beauty experts all around the world. Many creams that you might already own may contain tea tree extracts, and especially anti-acne creams. It also helps battle dry skin, eczema, itchy skin, and inflammation of your skin. However, keep in mind that tea tree oil should never be applied directly onto your skin. It should always be used along with at least 12 drops of another oil, for example almond or olive. You can also use it with a moisturiser. Also, make sure you do a patch test in order to avoid skin reactions.


Many natural skincare recipes have a place for honey. It is one of the best sources of vitamins and nutrients for your skin. This too, is a very versatile ingredient and can be used as a cleanser, and as an acne cure to prevent breakouts for sensitive or mixed skin types. Raw honey is full of anti-oxidants, which give it natural anti-ageing properties. But it is important to remember that raw honey is way more effective than most honey that is packaged and sold in the markets, as it loses its nutrients after processing.


Lemon essential oil is one of the most versatile oils. It can be used for a number of things, and that includes skincare. It can be used as a safe and gentle cleanser for your face, in order to remove pollutants after a long day outside. Its other benefits include toning, brightening, and helping your skin get rid of stubborn acne. It can also be used to remove blackheads, and to stop premature ageing. These are just a few benefits of lemon essential oil for your skin. From the health point if view, lemons are also rich in vitamin C.


Almond oil is known to be extremely beneficial to your hair and scalp. But, it can also work wonders for your skin. It has a very light texture, and thus is easily absorbed by the skin. It has high vitamin A content, along with healthy fats and various different minerals which are great for your skin. This is the perfect solution for sensitive skin or for your baby’s skin, which requires special care. Its antioxidative properties help protect your skin from the harmful UV rays of the sun. It can also be used as a cleanser as it helps dislodge the dirt and bacteria from your face.


Oats are a popular breakfast option among families around the world due to the various health, skin, and hair benefits that they offer. They have anti-inflammatory properties that help deal with dry, irritated, and itchy skin. Oatmeal powder, flour, or just plain oats can be mixed with hot water to make a paste that works like a facepack. It helps remove dead skin cells and also acts as a moisturiser. Oats are also often used in scrubs, soaps, and exfoliating creams due to their skin benefits.


Today, many people are opting for green tea instead of regular tea, and there’s a reason for that. Green tea is a much healthier choice - and not only for your body and your hair, but also for your skin. It contains high amounts of antioxidants, vitamin B, potassium, etc, along with enzymes and amino acids. Green tea helps improve your complexion, and is a quick fix for puffy eyes and dark circles. You can achieve this by placing 2 cold tea bags over your eyes for 15 minutes. It can also help fight signs of premature ageing on your skin.

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