You may be 21 years young today and raring to go. The next year you will be older and as decades pass by, before you realise it, you will be a septuagenarian. Ageing is a reality we must accept, not as a curse but as a blessing, says Manju Mohinani
We live in a society where youth is celebrated and old age is shunned and looked upon as embarrassing and depressing. The fact is that everyone only grows older as time passes. No one grows younger in age. Ageing is a road to more possibilities, not limitations. So, don’t set boundaries for yourself. As long as you enjoy good health and stamina, you can live your life with dignity, grace and energy.
Share your wisdom
It is believed that the older you get, the wiser you become. You gain experience and knowledge in so many aspects of living. With the amount of years you have spent on earth, it is already expected that you have had a taste of nearly everything there is. More lessons learned means more lessons to teach and share.
Live each day as it comes
Stop worrying; you’ve had enough of that during your younger years. Enjoy the present and leave the past behind. When you think of the past, try to dwell on the happy memories that bring a smile to your face. Prepare for tomorrow but don’t be bothered by or anxious about it. Live from moment to moment in the present. There’s no point in wishing that you could turn back time because it will never happen. Like what Morrie said in the book, Tuesdays with Morrie, “Unfulfilled lives. Lives that haven’t found meaning. Because if you’ve found meaning in your life, you don’t want to go back. You want to go forward. You want to see more, do more.” If you keep on wishing to go backward, you’ll never get anywhere. Instead, you will just grow old and wither away without accomplishing anything and losing on the present moment as well.
Enjoy yourself and your family
Ageing just means more time to spend with your husband, children and, most importantly, your grandchildren. Enjoy your time with the people who matter to you. As a young woman, you had saved the special chinaware and the fine crystal cut glasses for later. Well, now is that later. Every day is special. So bring out all the special ware and celebrate your time with those you care about.
Accept that ageingis inevitable
No matter what you do and how many surgeons you visit, you still won't be able to hide the fact that you are indeed getting older. Ageing happens less by choice and more by design. However, what you can control is how you view the additional wrinkles on your face. Don’t battle with getting old; accept it as one more phase of life and living and you will be graceful even in your ageing. Wear clothes and accessories that are suited to you and your physical body as of today and not what you have always worn or colours that appealed to your spouse. Be in the here and now.
Keep a positive attitude, cheer up and enjoy life. If you don’t do it now, then when will you do it?