The old adage ‘prevention is better than cure’ is one that is more relevant in today’s days and times where lifestyle diseases rule the roost. This also aligns with The National Health Policy where specific emphasis is placed on preventive health care. Here are some common issues being faced by people today and how you can beat them—naturally!

Basically there are four types of Hepatitis—A, B, C, and E—and these occur due to the infection of the liver cells known as hepatocytes. These infections can transpire due to amebiasis, bacterial or fungal infections. But a person who encounters jaundice gets it because of the infection of hepatocytes due to a virus that is usually through the food and water chain. “Water should be filtered and if possible even boiled. In case of Hepatitis A and E, there is no particular treatment that is available. The only treatment is rest and rehydration. On the other hand, for Hepatitis B and C, there is proper vaccination available. The only way is to be careful about what food is being eaten, what water is being consumed. People should also be wary in maintaining personal hygiene in their own houses. They should ensure that they do not eat unhealthy outside food or food that is left uncovered,” advises Dr Manish Mavani, General Physician, Bhatia Hospital, Mumbai.

In simple terms depression can be expressed as a state when a person does not feel happy. Though this state is different from being unhappy. It can be generated from psychological reasons like a trauma, most often these days it is due to physiological reasons and most people do not even know why. “Your food has a direct connection with your state of mind. Eat fermented foods rich in healthy bacteria like curd, kanji water, tempeh, kefir, fermented rice, pickles, sauerkraut that fill the gut with healthy bacteria. Gardening and walking barefoot brings good bacteria in contact with our skin which causes the production of serotonin in the body and makes us feel happy. Eat prebiotic foods rich in fibre to retain these bacteria. Foods like sprouted beans, raw vegetables, salads, vegetable soups, whole grains, nuts, seeds, fruits are helpful. Relaxing the body and mind is an amazing way to deal with it,” advises Nikhil Chaudhary, Entrepreneur, Nutritionist, Dietician and Speaker.

The thyroid is a small gland located in the neck and releases hormones such as Thyroxine (T4) and Triiodothyronine (T3). These hormones help to increase the oxygen in the body and stimulates your the production of proteins. The thyroid resolves the metabolic rate of most of your body organs. Thyroid gland is regulated by Thyroid-Stimulating Hormone (TSH) which is by the pituitary gland in the brain. “If you have either hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism, you should control your diet. Your daily meals should not include junk food and sugar. To maintain the level of thyroid in your body, add sea vegetables, butter and salad in your diet and slow down your consumption. Practice yoga every day as it helps to balance the thyroid level in the body. You should reduce exposure to heavy toxic metals,” says Dr Seemma Saadikha, Functional Medicine Expert.

With the onset of rains there comes the fear of acquiring monsoon diseases, mainly malaria. Characterised by high fever, bouts of shivering, muscle pain and weakness, malaria is a common disease. “Make and consume a decoction of holy basil, neem, pinch of pepper powder and raw honey to boost immunity. Intake of Vitamin-C rich foods that are local and seasonal, taking a reliable source of probiotics, consuming boiled water are all steps to safeguard your immunity. As soon as diagnosed, a diet of fresh fruit (particularly pomegranate and orange) and vegetable juices is recommended. Freshly pressed juice of papaya leaves is extremely powerful and is known to cure malaria within 48 hours by bringing platelet count back to normal. Wheatgrass too is proven to be beneficial as it’s a potent blood builder and liver detoxifier,” says Luke Coutinho, M.D Alternative Medicine and Holistic Nutritionist.

Maintaining a healthy blood sugar level is important in tackling diabetes which essentially stems from changing lifestyles, poor eating habits and lack of proper exercise. Fenugreek or methi seeds are also known to help in controlling diabetes. “There is definitely a deep connection between fenugreek and diabetes. These seeds are rich in fibre and other nutrients, and slow down the process of digestion as well as sugar and carbohydrates absorption. The seeds also upsurges the quantity of insulin that is being released. Studies reveal that a daily dose of 10 grams fenugreek seeds, drenched in hot water may aid regulation of type II diabetes. Eating baked products like fenugreek flour bread may decrease insulin resistance in people with type II diabetes. Taking heavy fenugreek dose for several weeks on a day-to-day basis, causes discernible developments in the levels of plasma glucose,” adds Coutinho.
Respiratory Issues
Millions of people suffer from genetic or environmentally-developed respiratory conditions. Whether it is cough or respiratory distress associated with allergies and asthma, it can be a constant source of irritation. “For cough, crush and mix one teaspoon of black peppercorns, one teaspoon of honey and three teaspoons of liquorice powder and eat half teaspoon of this mixture four times a day. To get rid of allergy-related problems, mix 250 ml carrot juice, and 100 ml beetroot juice, 100 ml cucumber juice and have once every day. For asthma, take two tablespoons of fenugreek seeds and mix in a litre of water and simmer for 30 minutes and strain the liquid. Crush ginger to make two teaspoons of ginger paste and extract juice. Add ginger juice to the strained liquid and mix with one teaspoon of honey and have a glass of this mixture every morning,” says Dr Chandan MC, Senior Ayurvedic Physician, Ananda in the Himalayas.

It is a common myth that hypertension is related to being stressed. However, high blood pressure, is a disease when the blood exerts higher than normal pressure on the blood vessels depending on the cardiac output. Modern day lifestyle factors such as physical inactivity, processed foods rich in salt and transfats as well as alcohol and tobacco use are responsible for a mounting problem of hypertension. “Breathing holds a very important role in Ashtang yoga which is our expertise at Adesaa Wellness. Yoga is not just a form of exercise but a process of normalisation. It brings your body back to its normal form. Simple asanas such as Shavasan, Vajrasan, along with Dhayana (meditation) and Pranayama (breathing techniques) helpin relaxing your mind and body and hence fight hypertension,” says Samidha Rasaikar, Co-founder and CEO, Adesaa Wellness Private Limited.

Cholesterol at normal levels is an essential substance for the body. However, if concentrations in the blood get too high, it becomes a silent killer. It has two forms in layman terms—good cholesterol and bad cholesterol. “Lowering your blood cholesterol level is one of the best ways you can decrease your risk of heart disease. Drinking water can actually thin the blood, making it a natural way to help the blood pump more smoothly. Limit your intake of foods full of saturated fats, transfats, and dietary cholesterol. Foods like soya milk, oats, beans, okara, eggplant, nuts help lower cholesterol,” says Dr Mahesh Gupta, Chairman, KENT RO Systems Ltd.

Diarrhoea means watery stools or what is commonly known as loose motions. It occurs because of the infection of the intestine and it mainly comes to the body through contaminated food or water. “We need to eat clean food and drink clean water as a precautionary measure. We must avoid eating outside, open food. If there is a diarrhoea attack, the patient must be rehydrated by using electral powder, etc. so that the body fluid volume does not decrease. Sometimes, diarrhoea is accompanied by vomiting. In these cases, oral medication may not be retained in the body. Then intravenous fluids and antibiotics may be required,” says Dr Manish Mavani, General Physician, Bhatia Hospital, Mumbai.