We all want to be as fit as possible, yet we end up adopting certain health fads that can cause us more harm than good. Meri Saheli lists down 10 such supposedly healthy habits that may not be as beneficial as we think

Slathering on the sunscreen
Some sunscreens and skincare products are found to contain octinoxate, a chemical compound that is said to pose health hazards, according to the Environmental Working Group. Instead of voluntarily slathering your skin with a large quantity of this chemical, opt for other ways to protect yourself from the harmful UV rays. Carry an umbrella or wear a hat instead.
Stocking up on nutritional supplements
Depending on vitamin pills and other supplements in place of actual food may be bad for you as high doses of these supplements are found to be detrimental to overall health. The best way to go about being balanced in your nutrients is by opting for a varied diet of fruits, vegetables and meat which will give you all the nutrients you need.

Brushing teeth right after meals
While brushing teeth twice a day is an enviable habit, going for the toothbrush right after a meal is not the wisest thing to do. The acidic properties of some foods like lemon, citrus fruit, tomatoes, colas etc., soften the enamel on the teeth. Brushing while the enamel is still soft can speed up the acidic effect and the process of eroding the layer beneath it. Wait for 30-60 minutes before you brush or if you just can’t wait, simply rinse your mouth with water.

Catching up on sleep over the weekend
If you plan to catch up on sleep on a Sunday, chances are, you may pay the price on Monday. Make up for the tiring work-week by sleeping 7-8 hours for a couple of nights in a row instead of sleeping more than necessary on a single day during the weekend.
Nibbling on granola and protein bars
So you think these ‘health’ bars are wonderful for the body? But, did you know that they’re also rich sources of calories and sugar? Instead of biting into health bars post-workout, you’d be better off with protein-rich snacks like mixed nuts, hard-boiled eggs, soy milk smoothie, etc.
Sipping on diet soda
Many of these zero-cal diet soft drinks may actually be as bad as their calorific sugary counterparts, leading to weight gain and a craving for more sweets. We suggest you avoid soft drinks altogether and opt for healthier choices like fruit juices and smoothies.

Working out daily
An intense exercise routine may really be tiring you out and giving you sleepless nights and dark circles. While working out every day seems like an ideal thing to do, you can alternate between going to the gym a few days a week and doing light exercises at home the remaining days. Or, you could work out for four days and rest for the remaining three. Plan your rest as well as you plan your workout regime.
Using too much hand sanitiser
A hand sanitiser kills bacteria. However, our skin has both good and bad bacteria, and using the sanitiser too often may kill the good germ-killing bacteria too. Limit the use of sanitiser to avoid this from happening.

Drinking too much water
While our elders keep telling us to drink at least 8-10 glasses of water every day, studies have shown that drinking too much water is not the best thing for your body. In fact, it can be harmful as it lowers the salt levels in your blood. Also, people who prefer drinking bottled water, beware. Studies suggest that the chemicals from the bottle mix up with the water, and that may disrupt the hormone levels.
Sipping on mocktails
Sipping on mocktails instead of cocktails doesn’t really help the body any. Not having alcoholic beverages might be helpful for your body but mocktails are high in refined sugar which may further get addictive. However, if it is difficult to refrain, always check that your mocktails are made from real fruit juices and not syrups.