We all know how important it is to get to know someone before tying the knot. However, amidst all the wedding frenzy, the one thing we often tend to overlook is medical health. Pallavi Gambre talks about six medical tests every about-to-get-married couple must opt for.
HIV and other STD tests
Gone are the days when the marriageable generation shied away from discussing sex and sex-related issues. Whether you have been or not been sexually active, HIV tests and other sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) are must to lead a healthy sex-life. Everyone knows HIV is life-threatening; so, before setting into matrimony, make sure you are sexually healthy enough to ignite and keep ignited that carnal fire in your marriage for the longest you can. Other STDs such as herpes, gonorrhoea, chlamydia, syphilis, etc. are not so serious but, when ignored, any disease becomes difficult to cure.

Blood tests
Blood carries much more information of our physical health than one can think. A couple must take blood tests in order to determine blood group compatibility and blood disorders such as sickle cell anaemia and thalassaemia. Blood groups of both the individuals should fall in the same Rh group (Rhesus group); otherwise, there can be many fatal complications to be faced at the time of pregnancy and childbirth, and also issues such as life-expectancy and his/her overall health in future.
In the case of sickle cell anaemia, the red blood cells mutate to become rigid, sticky and take the shape of sickle or crescent moon, unlike healthy red blood cells. The sickle cell disorder is genetic. If one parent passes these mutated cells to the child, the child will only carry such cells and not show any symptoms of the disorder; but, if both parents have this disorder then their future child will show symptoms and will be physically affected. Thalassaemia is yet another genetic disorder. When both the parents are suffering from the disorder, the child is usually healthy at birth, but starts developing signs and symptoms within the first two years of his/her life.
Taking these blood tests is probably the best pre-natal gift you can give your future kids.
Fertility tests
Children are considered God’s gifts and the bearers of future generations of mankind. Every couple—to-be-married or already married—dream of having a family of their own. So, before you get married, get your partner and yourself tested to determine fertility to bear children, so that you both are aware about your reproductive conditions. If the reports are not in your favour, you can at least try to turn the leaf over before you even start your married life. But come what may, you will be emotionally, mentally and physically ready for the future.
Genetic or chronic medical history determination
Sometimes, people have some or the other physical disorders that have been passed on to them from their parents. There are chances these people pass on these genetic disorders to their children. Such disorders are inevitable. Also, there are certain diseases such as asthma, bronchitis, arthritis, diabetes, etc. that are chronic, which means they may or may not be genetic but have been there in that individual since quite a long time. They need to be determined so that the individual’s partner is aware about his/her medical history.
As mentioned earlier, these diseases can also affect the future generation.
Psychological tests
It is an amazing thing to be married to someone who you have known for quite a long time, whom you are very comfortable with, have an amazing compatibility with, etc. And also, on the other side, even though we have gone past the compulsion and norm of arranged marriages, there are people who prefer them. No matter how well you know your partner, always get psychological tests done by both of you before you get married. These tests are called psychometric tests—scientific methods of determining person’s capabilities and behavioural style. Such tests are subjective; they are designed to measure the individual’s cognitive abilities and personality which eventually help in determining the compatibility between the partners. On a more serious note, these tests also determine whether the individual is throwing up any symptoms of mental issues such as depression, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, hypertension, etc.
Cancer screening tests
This is a must for not only to-be-married couples but everyone else as well. Cancer screening, in medical
terms means clinically checking your body for cancer before symptoms show up. Naturally, we all have cancer-cells in our body, but it takes an unhealthy lifestyle, ignorance and a few misbehaving cancer cells to trigger cancer. Cancer screening tests determine whether your body is functioning healthily in the cellular level. Getting screening done in regular intervals can help track breast, cervical and colorectal (colon) cancers, if any, at a very early stage and when treatments and medicines are likely to work best and most effectively.