
Ovarian Cancer – Do You Know How To Fight It?

The 5th most common cause of cancer deaths in women is often brushed off as premenstrual syndrome. Dr. Anita Suryanarayan,
Vice President (South India & Sri Lanka), Metropolis Healthcare enlightens us on the life-threatening disease. It’s time we become watchful!

Women often face copious challenges – security, social stigmas, biases and much more. How often do you think that why do we go through menstruation and childbirth? Being a lady is not a piece of cake. While certain cancers have gender preferences, women have to deal with a complete set of gynecological cancers unique to their reproductive functions. These include cancers of the uterus, cervix, and ovaries.
Reserved for the fairer sex, ovarian cancer refers to any cancerous growth that occurs in the ovary, majority of which arises from epithelium (outer lining).In extreme cases, the cancer may spread to other organs in the pelvic region, like the fallopian tube, uterus, bladder, colon, or rectum.Though less commonly known, it has the highest rate of death among all gynecological cancers, with the 5-year survival rate being as low as 46%.

Known causes of ovarian cancer
Although the precise causes are not known yet, some risk factors have been observed for ovarian cancer.
• Women with close relatives who have had ovarian cancer or breast cancer have a higher risk
• Women with mutation in genes BRCA1 and BRCA2 have 50% chances of developing the disease
• The average age for the onset of ovarian cancer is about age 63, although ovarian cancer can develop in women of all ages
• High number of ovulations and late menopause
• Infertility or fertility treatments
• Women who have been diagnosed with breast cancer
• HRT (Hormone replacement therapy) slightly increases a women's risk of developing ovarian cancer
• Many studies have found an association between obesity and increased risk for ovarian cancer.

Symptoms of ovarian cancer
Signs and symptoms of ovarian cancer are frequently absent or very subtle in the early stages.

As such, most women are diagnosed only at a later stage. Early symptoms include the following.
• Pain in the pelvis
• Back pain
• Pain during sexual intercourse
• Pain on the lower side of the body As the cancer progresses, following symptoms may manifest.
• Feeling constantly bloated
• A swollen tummy
• Discomfort in your tummy or pelvic area
• Feeling full quickly when eating, or loss of appetite
• Needing to pee more often or more urgently than normal
• Breathlessness

How to diagnose ovarian cancer?
The first step of diagnosis is to get a blood test done to measure the level of a protein called CA125, followed by an ultrasound scan. If the test results suggest the possibility of ovarian cancer, the patient should then consult with a gynecological oncologist for further tests and analysis.

What are the treatment options for ovarian cancer?
Depending on the stage, the medical oncologist may recommend a single type or a combination of various treatments. Some of the most effective modes for ovarian cancer are as follows.

The surgical removal of the tumor is the most common approach. In extreme cases, the surgery includes removal of the ovaries, fallopian tubes, uterus, nearby lymph nodes, and omentum. This is called a total hysterectomy.

In this treatment option, patients typically receive a combination of carboplatin (Paraplatin) and paclitaxel (Taxol) intravenously.

Hormone Therapy
Hormone therapy may be added to the treatment plan in order to cut off estrogen supply to the cancer cells and slowing their growth.

Oncologists may sometimes use radiation therapy if there are small traces of cancer in the reproductive system, but not as a standalone treatment.

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