Weight loss is no child’s play, especially when you are bombarded with what to eat and what not to. Let us take you on a tour of a few diet myths you need not be paying heed to at all!

Myth 1: Bid goodbye to rice and potatoes.
We have heard ample times to not eat rice and potatoes while on the way to weight loss as they contain a high amount of starch and carbohydrates.
Truth: What really matters is to eat everything in moderation. In fact, rice contains methionine which helps mobilise fat from the liver and potatoes are loaded with nutrients. However, avoid making them unhealthy by opting for deep fried chips.
Myth 2: Late night binging equals weight gain
Your weight gain is calculated by what you eat throughout the day and not just at night.
Truth: Whether you eat a packet of chips in the afternoon or at night, you are going to gain an equal amount of pain. Therefore, you will have to monitor what you eat throughout the day and not just after the sun has set. However, one should ensure to keep the dinner light by including soups and fruit salad.
Myth 3: Skip meals, eat less and lose weight.
If you follow this pattern, then you might definitely lose weight out of hunger and weakness.
Truth: But if you are planning to stay fit and fab, then you must maintain
a balance and keep track of what you are eating. At the end of the day, it’s all about eating the right foods in the right proportions and at equal intervals.

Myth 4: Stick to leafy vegetables and soups.
They say that the other side of weight loss means that you have to stick to leafy vegetable soups and citrus fruits.
Truth: However, the truth is if you know the right kind of snacks to include in your diet, you can lose weight with great taste in your mouth. For instance, choose snacks which are low in calorie and high in proteins,
so that they can curb your hunger pangs in a healthy way. Also, a handful of nuts or roasted channa are great options for evening snacks.