
Secrets to spice up your sex life

Do you often find yourself dragging your feet before hitting the bed for some ‘real’ action?
If sex has become just another mundane thing for you, you need to know those 10 spicy secrets that will help you maximise your sexual pleasure

Are you looking for a solution to spice up the monotonous that has crept into your sex life? Women, especially in India, are known to suppress their deepest sexual desires. They tend to just go with the flow for their partner’s satisfaction. Very few of them know what they really want from sex and how to get it from their man. Instead of hoping that your man understands what you want, venture into the ‘unknown’ and see what gives you that extra pleasure in bed and how to maximise it.

Get active, get fit

A healthy body is a sexy body. Research has proved that regular exercise can improve your mood, immune and cardiovascular systems, and help you lose weight, making you feel better and more confident about yourself. Exercise helps release endorphins, the feel-good hormones. They combat the “stress hormone” cortisol and promote an overall sense of well-being. Exercise also helps increase the level of testosterone, the primary hormone which drives the libido in both men and women. Testosterone is best known for its effect in increasing lean muscle mass, reducing body fats and slowing down the aging process. It also plays a pivotal role in promoting sexual desire. So, move your body.

Be deliberate

It is very easy to push sex to the backburner, when the demands on everyday living are punishing. To keep the chemistry between you and your partner alive, you must place sex on priority. Stop thinking of it as a chore that can be bypassed because you are too tired at the end of the day or have no time. It is important to factor in sex on your to-do list. Give it top priority. Work towards an exciting sexual relationship deliberately. Set romantic dates, take the initiative, and give each other warm hugs. Stay in touch, literally.

Pursue self-discovery

Often, you have no idea about what makes you and your body feel good. Drop your inhibitions and open yourself to an adventure of self-discovery. If kissing makes you feel good, convey the same to your partner. Prolong the process and enjoy the pleasant sensations. Feeling shy or guilty will rob you of the pleasure that you deserve to experience. Ask and you shall get: keep that as your motto in bed. Let your partner treat you like a queen.

Be open to experimenting

Try out new things. Watch your body as you do that. Listen to its sensations. Follow its desires. Infuse new life into your love-making. Surprise your partner with fresh moves. Make sure both of you are in sync. If your partner suggests something crazy, do not reject it outright. Underestimating your man’s ability to reignite the flame of passion will demotivate him. Explore possibilities and co-operate with your man. You can always decline to indulge in acts that distress or demean you and make you uncomfortable.

Try some aphrodisiacs

Women are known to use herbs and nuts since ancient times to get charged for the act. Aphrodisiacs are said to affect the testosterone levels in the body resulting in the increase of sexual desire. While it remains unsure how aphrodisiacs really affect the hormone levels, they surely have a placebo effect. So try a few—chocolate, fenugreek, litchi and more—and get aroused in bed.

Take charge

Another sure-shot and overt way of getting what you want is to take charge. Your man will love it and it’ll maximise your pleasure too. The only thing necessary for this would be to know how to get it. Explore what works best for his as well as your body and execute. If you are more of a wild person, fierce lovemaking might be the thing for you.

Indulge in foreplay

Who else but a woman knows how important foreplay is! The key to immense sexual pleasure is arousal. The more you get aroused, the greater will be the satisfaction derived from the entire experience. So set up your mood and indulge in a lot of passionate kissing and sensual touching until it drives you to that point of ecstasy. Getting your partner to focus on your erogenous zones will work wonders for you.

Smell good

Body odour is a major turn-off. So is bad breath. Ensure that both of you have a bath before the act. In fact, taking a shower together can be a fun part of your foreplay. Ensure that you maintain oral hygiene, brush and floss regularly. If necessary, gargle with a mouthwash just before the act. Avoid eating pungent food containing onions and garlic and other such food that leaves your mouth smelling foul. In an emergency, rinse your mouth and chew on a clove. Use a pleasant perfume or deodorant or body lotion that ignites passion. Wax your underarms and keep your genitals clean and dry. Wear clean lingerie.

Feel the big O

A woman’s sexual satisfaction boils down to that ‘moment of exquisite pleasure’ when she has an orgasm. Although the entire journey to reaching orgasm can be very gratifying, the ultimate moment of bliss has always been that climatic moment. So, sit back and recall. If you have never experienced that feeling of climax during sex, you’re surely missing out on something really important. Go for it! Orgasm is the key to complete sexual satisfaction.

Consult your doctor

Finally, if there’s any doubt lurking in your mind, never hesitate to consult your gynaecologist or sex therapist. Discuss things that bother you and he might help you break the ice between you and your partner, in case there is any. He’ll also give you suggestions on the possible options that could help you spice up your sex life.

Use these 10 spicy secrets and add zing to your pleasure. Dish out a piping hot recipe for hot, hot love.

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