It’s been hours since you had lunch, and now the little food baby in your tummy has started to kick. How many carbs must you feed that monster who doesn’t seem to shrink? Don’t you fret, there are several healthy snacks so low on carbs yet super delicious. Read on to know more!
Celery and peanut butter: It is easy to prepare—two stalks of celery topped with two tablespoons of natural peanut butter. This combo contains only five grams of carbs. You will feel full longer combining healthy fats from the peanut butter and fiber from the celery, thus reducing the overall intake.
Walnuts: The low-carb snack contains an amazing combo of protein, fibre, and healthy fats. Also, the omega-3s found in walnuts aids in condensing inflammation and contains only four grams of carbs.
Greek Yoghurt: The carbs in Greek yoghurt come from a very slow-digesting sugar, that is, lactose. This won’t shoot up your blood sugar levels, which will stop cravings at the bud itself. One five-ounce serving has only six grams of carbs and 15 grams of protein.
Hard-boiled eggs: These are no-carb, protein-rich snacks that keep you feeling energised. They also are a good bank of vitamin D, which is known to help weight loss.
Hummus with Bell peppers: Did you know that these unsuspecting bell peppers contain thrice the vitamin C than the more popular oranges? This sugar-free snack when combined with a dietary fat-rich hummus, it makes for the best way to stay satiated for longer. Half a diced bell pepper and four tablespoons of standard hummus result in only eight grams of fibrous carbs.